Friday, June 17, 2011

Terrific shop --- Great video!

My friend Barbara's daughter, Margaret (aka Madge), has an enviable job as the Manager/Buyer for the Scottish Rite and Egleston Gift Shop at Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. Margaret gets paid to buy items for the store. (I'm incredibly jealous!) Among other duties, including managing and setting up displays for the shop, she gets to attend shows with sellers displaying their wares from around the world who would just love to have her choose their items for the shop. Here's a pic of some of the displays Madge and her co-workers put together last Christmas at the shop.

Margaret and her co-workers made a music video of the store showing off items along with what they do. Margaret/Madge is the adorable little blond!  If you're ever in the neighborhood (2 locations in Atlanta), stop in and check out the 2 stores.


  1. Margaret's video is quite cool, and she is a cutie. I love George's photo--how did he capture those colors? Breathtaking!

  2. Thanks! I'll tell him you said that.

    He plays around with his photos on his Mac so I have no idea what he did. :P

  3. Claire...what an awesome post! I am very proud of Madge.
